Best Industrial Automated Tightening Processes – Atlas Copco & STS

Your Biggest Automation Gains May Come in Tightening Solutions

With so many fastening applications present in the typical manufacturing process, automating tightening can deliver big benefits. If you are just starting to automate, tightening is a logical place to start. Fortunately, Atlas Copco and STS have developed systems to help. In fact we have the scale of services to complete many with our in-house capabilities, limiting one variable.

So Why Automate? Is It Really Worth the Effort?

Automation of the tightening process allows for the greatest level of control, which improves quality, efficiency and reduces costs caused by reworks and recalls. It gets the desired level of quality right from the very start and can maintain it throughout the production process. That’s a mouth full. The short answer is ‘yes, it’s worth it!’

5 Tips for Executing Successful Automated Tightening Solutions

1. Automated tightening may require the integration of a screw feeder, requiring expertise and experience when optimizing.

2.  Product variances can drive the need for tools, equipment and solutions such as integrated machine vision to enable flexibility throughout the tightening process.

3. Knowledge and solutions to handle the reaction forces from tightening impacting the mechatronic equipment are essential.

4. When the automatic tightening solution needs to interact with an operator, i.e. cobot, an understanding of operator safety and ergonomics is desirable.

5. Solutions will likely require multiple partners with good communication and project management partnering experience.

7 Reasons to Choose Atlas Copco and STS for Your Automation Solutions

Size does matter when it comes to researching, testing and creating optimum process solutions. Consider Atlas Copco’s formula for success when seeking automated solutions:

  • Testing facilities located close-by customers to explore customer-driven ideas and needs
  • Dedicated teams of tech & sales engineers in the field
  • Proven relationships with resellers like STS
  • A culture built on customer-responsive innovation
  • The scale to devote to research
  • A track-record of success since 1873
  • They share our focus on your solution.

Full automation of a wheel assembly

Your Most Important Decision Will Be the Solution Partners You Choose for Assembly Automation

We have heard horror stories of tool salesmen disappearing after the sale, leaving an aerospace customer with an incomplete solution, no instructions and no advice for completion. Atlas Copco discovered this and helped complete the other company’s solution. Of course this customer rewarded Atlas Copco its thanks and its business.

That focus on the solution is one of many traits Southern Tool Specialist Inc shares with Atlas Copco. That’s why we’ve partnered since 2001 in the South. If you have an itch to automate, please contact us.

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