CHANGE is the only constant in manufacturing process systems now. And it is accelerating.
If you’re running a legacy manufacturing assembly system built mostly around pneumatic assembly tools, adding more smart assembly tools should get some serious consideration.
Smart innovations for manufacturing assembly systems are taking off with more connected devices, ‘virtual’ tightening controllers, and centralized tool control. The changes are boosting green energy savings, ergonomic freedom, uptime and productivity. All important in this period of challenging forecasting and a tight hiring market.
Put all the changes together and you have a smart ecosystem – the next progression in Industry 4.0.
Atlas Copco Offers a Smart Assembly ecoSYSTEM
Atlas Copco has all the tools, software, partnerships and systems to build your Smart Factory ecoSystem. Equally important they have the experience, scale and commitment to sustain the work as innovations evolve:
Their ToolsControl is the logical system-driven solution breakthrough that revolutionizes tightening tool management. Its patented Single IP protocol centralizes tools control and simplifies assembly operations and costs. Every assembler can benefit — from general industrial assembly to complex automotive, electronics and aerospace.
Likewise, Atlas Copco’s Automation Lab will work with customers and local sales engineers to invent groundbreaking solutions, custom tailored to an assembler’s specific tightening application.
Our Experts Can Build It for You
Southern Tool Specialist can help start or make your factory run smarter. We’re focused on building your long-term solution, not in selling you last-year’s ‘hot’ assembly tool:
- STS offers top-rated smart, connected, cordless tools and system applications that offer improved ergonomic freedom and require less training – important benefits for hiring and retaining staff.
- Our Industry 4.0 manufacturing process system solutions are tested and scalable.
- We’ve been a proud partner in the South with Atlas Copco since 2001.
- Our partnerships extend to top-rated MES providers for a total, top-down implementation.
- We have talented sales engineers located near you in 10 southern states and in-house experts to assist.
Put it all together and STS can deliver Smarter Assembly, Industry 4.0, and automation applications, custom-designed to your needs.
It’s natural to be cautious, but…
Too much caution can have consequences. And being left behind sucks.
An email is all it takes to start. Reach out today. We’ll get right back to you.

STS has SEs in 10 Southern states for local, on-site consulting in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.

Atlas Copco’s ToolsControl with patented Single IP protocol can centrally manage hundreds of tools. It’s the next progression in Smart Factory Industry 4.o change.